Please visit our 2021 Summer Camp Facebook page:
Archbishop Ryan Music Theatre Summer Camp

Welcome to Mt. Airy Performing Arts Virtual Summer Camp! We understand that your children have already been spending vast amounts of time in front of the computer, but we have lots of things planned to get them up and moving.
In the morning we have warm-ups, playing theater games that will help us focus on discipline and confidence, followed by a movement class that will include choreography for our final production. At lunch, we will break into smaller groups so campers and counselors can get to know each other. In the afternoon, we will work on our script and vocals. Throughout the day, counselors and staff will help campers in whatever task they tackle.
Weekly activities will also include arts & crafts projects, scavenger hunts, our usual Whacky Wednesday dress-up day and on Fridays – Pajama Day. We have a few shows to choose from that I have written and may even write our own together. We hope to have a live performance on our outdoor stage on Thursday, July 30th, and a wrap picnic on Friday with our Counselor Talent show, awards and prizes. But that is wait and see….
Campers should dress comfortably and wear sneakers or jazz shoes. They should have a space that is private, away from outside noise or distraction and have a fully-charged laptop, tablet or computer with high-speed internet. They should also have enough space for choreography and physical activity. They should pack a lunch in the morning and put it in the fridge so that it’s easily accessible at lunch time and they should always have water on hand. The Camp Connection, our weekly newsletter, will keep parents informed of changes, achievements and upcoming activities.
We are dedicated to making this virtual experience in Theater Arts a summer your camper will love and remember through theater, dance, music & art.
Total cost of camp is $500.00 for all five weeks. There are no discounts and space is limited for a better experience. All campers must be finishing grades 4 through 9 by June, 2020. Full tuition, camp application and student profile are due by June 26. You may register with a $100 deposit to reserve your child’s space. There are no health forms due for virtual camp.
Please note that all counselors and staff have Child Abuse and PA Police Background Clearances as required by law.
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For more information, or to receive a registration packet, please call the studio at 215-248-1810 or email at and our administrator, Rae Whatley, will get back to you.